Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We Love Deadpool

If you don't know DPiddy, you probably should (check his channel here). The infamous dancing Deadpool & also one of the nicest dudes on the planet. Jen and I were lucky enough to meet him at this year's SDCC; and even get to dance with our beloved babes.

From our good friends at Night Walker Cinema - this pic of Jen & I Deadpooling. LOVE THOSE guys! Check them out here on twitter. 

Here's us with Crystal Santos (stuntwoman/martial artist/actress supreme), Marat Mychaels (killer artist, Deadpool Corps), & Rob Liefeld (the artist who co-created Deadpool).

Also, here is the new SDCC 2013 Deadpool Vs video from DPiddy. Happy Deadpooling to y'all.


1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Would love to do a feature on you guys for the up and coming (sister company of HorrorHound Ltd). Let me know if you are interested by emailing me at
